Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Bounty vs Brawny

A paper towel is a paper towel, but the design is what sells it. As I have compared Bounty to Brawny a few things struck out to me. First of all the noise from the Brawny add was too much. The mascot man over took the display of the paper towel. There was too much going on in the Brawny ad. Also, the colors are very dull. It doesn't catch the eye. On the other hand the colors pop in the Bounty advertisement. It catches your eye and makes you look at the whole image. Also, the context for Brawny is boring. It just states that they're paper towels and napkins, where Bounty gives the slogan, "One sheet keeps cleaning." this slogan is much more persuasive and has more appeal to their audience.

I believe one ad is affective and the other is not. One may ask, "What makes Brawny better?" All this ad says is that the paper towels are white and they have napkins as well. And what does the guy have to do with anything? Bounty on the other hand tells you how they as a product will benefit you. The Bounty ad has you noticing what they are, where the Brawny ad may leave you confused. Obviously we have an affective and not so affective advertisements.

Cognitively, the same ideas come to mind with affective design. When I look at Brawny I don't think paper towels. The colors are dull and boring and don't catch your eye. You aren't THINKING you need to buy it RIGHY AWAY! Bounty at least gives you that sense that it will help you. When they say clean in one sheet, everyone jumps at that. What mom doesn't want to go through a roll of paper towels a day. It also shows examples of what you can clean with their product. It's simple, yet descriptive at the same time. Let's the audience feel like they can be at peace and trust the product.

The psychomotor effects can make a person wonder whether it will do the job. They may wonder if the product will give them what they need. Bounty guarantees that, where Brawny doesn't give that relief from any consequence.

The font style really grabs my eye in the Bounty ad. Even though it is black, the boldness helps it pop, as well as the bright colors around it. Even though there is so much color in the ad, my eye is drawn immediately to the name. The outline in white also helps to give it that pop. Brawny does the same thing as Bounty, in making their name pop. However, I think their name is too squished together. It looks awkward.

Another thing that sticks out to me is the font size. In the Bounty ad is shows the paper towel, but blown up so we can read the detail on the plastic wrap. All Brawny does is show a small version of the paper towel. Nothing can be read on it. It doesn't tell you anything about their product. The designers should have at least made the information on the paper towel readable.

Overall, the Bounty ad grabs your attention, gives the affective feeling that their product will do the job, and is pleasing to they eye. The bright colors and curvy lines make it nice to look at. Brawny's ad is definitely too boring. Where both are simple, one does a better job at making the simplicity a pleasing thing.

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