The Diagonal Rule
A photo using the diagonal rule sends the viewer's eye across the z axis of the picture. This photo starts at the bottom corner, but leads your eye through the bottom corner to the top opposite corner. The use of a diagonal in this photo shows more dynamics than if it was on a horizontal axis.
Motion Vectors
This photo shows the motion vector as it guides the direction the eye moves through the photograph. This framing traps the girl in and has the sense that she has no where to go. As the baby is the main subject, it creates a comforting feeling knowing the baby is safe and won't fall off the trampoline. There can be a lot of psychological contexts taken from using motion vectors in a photograph.
Rule of Thirds
In this photo the main point of interest are the rocks mixed in the water and sky. The main points of interest take up two-thirds of the frame, where as the negative space, the sand, only takes up the one-third. The main points are in the lines of intersection.
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